Sunday, April 6, 2008



I would like to maintain my sense of hope that my second trip to Northern BC will happen as I have planned. I am also hopeful that I will receive a cheque from a woman in North Vancouver who owes me about $400.00. On both of these accounts I am striving to remain detached from the outcome, and in the spirit of non-attachment, I think it is important that whether any of this actually happens, I remain happy and joyful. It’s not hard to be happy and joyful here in the Comox Valley; there is almost no traffic to speak of, the climate is moderate and I am able to use my bike for most of my errands.

The final two weeks of the month will also be spent dog-sitting, and the location of the house works really well for both Angelo and I. This is important because it is difficult to anticipate all that we will need and more often than not we need to grab some items from home.

This month my altar contains a couple of items that directly correspond with joy and happiness. A ribbon from my youth is significant because horseback riding was a huge part of my childhood and something that represents some of the happiest days of my life. I could ride for hours on end with no thought of school or peer pressure.

I also placed a pair of yellow-tinted sunglasses on the altar. These were purchased during a trip to South Beach, Miami with my girlfriend, Karey. Karey is one of a handful of friends that I have stayed in touch with (we met in 1996) and I have now made three trips to Florida with her. We always have loads of fun and the glasses are particularly useful in BC as I wear them when it is overcast and grey and the lenses give me a (false) sense of sunshine and happiness. My yoga block keeps me grounded and the continuation of yoga as a spiritual practice can be interpreted as a sign of hope since it has persisted for centuries. Happy faces and daisies are two more happy symbols, and the candle also signifies the flame of hope. All in all I enjoyed looking over at this altar, particularly since March was a fairly bland month, with rain, wind and grey skies.

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