Sunday, March 2, 2008


Well, February was not a month for journal entries, that’s for sure. We spent the last two weeks dog-sitting next door, which threw us off our schedules a bit, and otherwise, I guess I wasn’t in the mood for writing.

I am happy to report, however, that my trip into Vancouver to speak to members of the BC Human Resource Management Association was a HUGE success. I found myself getting a bit intimidated when I saw the participant list including their position titles and place of work, but managed to hear Angelo’s advice when he said, “they are just like everyone else, trying to stay organized in a busy world”. So true.

As usual, preparation was the key, and I was ready! Instead of being short on material as I had feared, I had to wrap it up at 4:30pm on the dot, and that was with having forgot a couple of items.

We have continued to eat well from our new recipe book and I managed to do my sit-ups a number of times throughout the month. I saw part of the lunar eclipse, took my first flight in a float plane and rang in the Year of the Rat.

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