Sunday, March 2, 2008



I surprised myself: I didn’t go with my initial colour. I had originally thought that I would go for pink, in part, I admit, because it would correspond with Valentines Day and would also put some focus on my relationship with Angelo. In truth, I think I take our relationship for granted…and forget that it too, needs attention. I don’t want our relationship to end, yet I ‘assume’ that it will continue forever.

At any rate, I went for orange instead of pink. Funny, because at first I thought, ‘but I don’t have much orange’, but as you can see, I found enough items to make a beautiful altar.
So why orange?

Well, I have a big gig coming up in Vancouver at the end of February and given the audience, members of the BC Human Resource Management Association, and the implications, I figured I could use an extra dose of confidence. I am also aware that in facilitating a workshop, the more creative I can be the better. I am also doing a workshop for the Comox Valley School District in early February, and I have already determined that the participants are going to love it!

My altar is composed of a photo card of a beautiful orange rose, captured by our neighbour, Karin. She writes the best, heart-felt cards so her words and love are also contained within the text. One of my favourite bead necklaces also contains a lot of orange, and since it is more of a summer necklace, there won’t be an issue in having it on my altar for the month of February. I also chose to fill a funky, orange bowl that I bought at a second hand store with white stones that I brought back from Mexico last year. On the stones I have written various words (create, trust, wealth…) so the bowl also includes powerful words. And finally, I have included some other orange-tinted shells that we brought back from Mexico, along with an orange card that I received from an Aunt at Christmas. The entire scene is contained by an orange piece of construction paper. I like it!

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