Thursday, January 31, 2008


In my mind I have a series of talks lined up for the first four months of 2008, some are further along in development than others. To be honest, some don’t even exist (outside of my mind that is). Unless you want to count the transmission of my vibe, my vibrational frequency across the air waves. Yeah, I think I want to count that transmission.

After almost four weeks of excess and gluttony (at least when it comes to rich desserts, fruity drinks and frequent meals) I am ready. I have hit the bottom. I can feel the roll of my stomach pressing against my blissfully comfortable stretch pants - you know, the ones women tend to wear out on coffee dates and as a result always look brand new?

Plus my sleep is all out of whack. I have lived up to my new nick name, the one afflicted by ‘sleep-a-bedes” (rhymes with diabetes, in case I forget). Add on the cups of coffee, champagne and Orange Juice and cheesecake, and I am losing the battle of self-discipline and self-regard.

Yup, time to quit cold turkey, turn over a new leaf. Start a new chapter in my life; unpeel another layer of the onion. About a month ago we purchased the kits from a health food store in Qualicuum. The kits now sit on the kitchen table, indicating by their silent presence, the upcoming dietary challenge and test of will power that waits.

Yup, you got it: a new year’s resolution. This year mine is quite involved, multi-layered if you will, so I won’t go into all of it now. But I crave structure, and markers of some kind, and this activity came as a surprise, from left field as they say. I’m going to exercise the artist in me by documenting a twelve-month photo diary.

Back to the issue of health & wellness. I have always said that it helps to reach rock bottom, because then there is no choice but to go back up. Not that I am really at rock bottom, by any means. But I am feeling particularly disgusted with my physical existence and prevailing mental fogg. And yes, I did mean to have two g’s there. Part of me would love to live up to the ‘alcoholic author’ stereotype, but I am too vain. I worry enough about my wrinkles and excess weight without drowning myself in drink.

So back to the red altar. The colour theme is red, so I quickly ran through our basement suite (mentally of course), and grabbed a total of six items. I have used my old, red waffle jersey as a fabric base, and moved my beautiful burgundy jewelry box and Asian flower tile to sit on top of the boxes.

In order to indicate that our success and accomplishment is very much a team effort, I have moved a tiny red pair of candles to the scene as well. From a row of books I plucked two red ribbons, one with speaker written on it and the other a toastmaster’s relic. As you can see, every item on the altar is red. Fire. I’m an Aries – this is looking good!

p.s. the other amazing revelation I had today was my plan to hold two, fundraising workshops in both Powell River and the Comox Valley. The workshops (and a percentage of the corresponding book sales) will go to Diane Lukera’s orphanage in Kakamega, Kenya. The workshop will be followed by a community wide, mega, weekend garage sale, with the themes of re-use, recycle and re-purpose.

That should help move me to a kosmo centric way of looking at the world :-)

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